
วันจันทร์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Otop products made with a single hand

"One Tambon One Product" is the way some To build prosperity to the community.Can leverage as being of the community better. " The production or management.Resources available locally. Into a quality product. Unique features ofConsistent with their own local culture. Sold in both domestic market.And foreign countries, with three main principles.

1) local knowledge to international (Local Yet Global).
2) self-reliance and creative thinking. (Self-Reliance-Creativity).
3) the HR (Human Resource Development)

 Products does not imply the product alone, but as a process of thought.Including service Maintenance of natural resources and environment treatment.Thai Wisdom Travel culture and local knowledge of the balance.The exchange of learning to become a quality product features a selling point known.Spread throughout the country and around the world

Product OTOP There are many types of food, such as the use of decorative handicrafts, clothing, apparel, art, souvenirs, etc. Herbs
These products are a valuable spiritual and beautiful properties that help heal illness. Well, if the food is delicious
All these products. Takes time to produce. And skill in conducting ingenious need to work out a good piece

This is Thailand Otop

Sample Products Otop

Thai literary work carved with elephants

